Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Plagues to Passover

Please understand that there is SO MUCH that could be written about the beginnings of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The Jewish heritage is RICH in its history...but I am going to TRY (notice I said try) to keep things a little more general and not get bogged down too much in the details of this AMAZING story. The symbolism is SO rich and the connections to our Savior are striking!
I do not want to miss, however, the last three plagues that have to be endured. My ESV Study Bible makes this comment about the plagues, "...the plagues are not solely for Egypt but primarily for what they reveal to the people of Israel." Interesting... The eighth plague, the plague of locusts, finishes off what was left behind from the hail storm plague. I just have to say that the whole insect thing really hits home with me. Having horses, insects are a constant bother and are VERY annoying even in small amounts. I cannot even BEGIN to fathom what it was like to have gnats, flies, and locusts in such numbers that they are in your bed and all over your clothes. That would TRULY be a nightmare! And the fact the Pharaoh continued to harden his heart through all of this shows that God was in fact the One causing this, because I can tell you for a fact no human being in their right mind would want to continue with these awful plagues after the gnats! Huh? Am I right?
The ninth plague, the plague of darkness, was a foreboding event which would lead to the last plague, the plague of death. Please keep in mind that in those times, there were not street lights, electricity, cars with lights, flashlights, or any of these modern conveniences to help us see in the dark. It was PITCH BLACK. The kind of darkness in which you cannot even see your hand in front of your face! Have you ever experienced this kind of heavy darkness? I am sure you could almost feel the heaviness of the darkness. One final thing I want to add here, I am sure you noticed that God made a "distinction" between the Egyptians and the Israelites during these plagues. He does the same thing with Christians today. We should be "distinct" from those around us so that they notice that something is different about us and their curiosity is piqued. If we are not "distinct" from those around us as Christians, then we are doing something wrong!
The final plague, the plague of death, leads into the beginning of Passover. Notice that God spells out for the Israelites the specifications to be done during Passover from that point forward BEFORE the tenth plague even happens. The Israelite homes are "passed over" and no death occurs other than the sacrificial lamb that was to be killed in place of the firstborn child. They had to take the blood from this lamb and wipe it onto their two doorposts so that the Lord would "pass over" that household and not bring death to it. Here are a few key points to remember about the Passover:
  • Passover would mark the beginning of a new year for the Jewish people.
  • The unleavened bread was to symbolize the haste with which the Jewish people would leave their homes during the Exodus from Egypt. They would leave so quickly that they would not have time to pack up their dough before it was leavened.
  • The bitter herbs would represent the extreme bitterness of their time as slaves in Egypt.
  • The Passover lamb would "take the place" of the death of the firstborn child in each of the Israelite homes.

Just a few connections from Passover to our Lord and Savior. He is OUR Passover Lamb - He was perfect, without blemish, and NONE of his bones were broken. Remember that when they came to break Jesus' legs on the cross, He was already dead and therefore the perfect Passover Lamb of all time and for all people remained intact. One of the bitter herbs used during Passover was hyssop, which was offered to our Lord on the cross as well. Because of this perfect Lamb, those who accept his gift will be "passed over" and will not die but will have eternal life. Have you accepted this Perfect Lamb so that eternal death will "pass over" you? There is NO OTHER question as important as this one! It will determine where you spend all of eternity!

Oh, and then the Israelites were OUT OF THERE!!!! One of the most significant events in ALL of history! All honor and glory to you Lord!

P.S. I still have not been able to figure out how to separate out the paragraphs on the posts. I tried everything that was suggested to me, but nothing worked! SORRY!!!


  1. WOW you did a marvelous job in condensing these chapters that are so full. No, I cannot imagine any of these plagues - especially the gnats and the darkness. I don't like the gnats in south Georgia and I sure don't like complete darkness. That would have freaked me out. I loved living in the "country" at one time, but I needed that bright "security" light even then.

    Thank you for tying the Passover readings with our Passover Lamb and all of the underlying meanings that we sometimes overlook as we are just reading the Old Testament "stories."

  2. Mindy, you always do such a wonderful job on the posts. There is so much detail that is fascinating to me. Thank you for the connections of the Passover and our Savior!!! Excellent post!

  3. I remember reading about the blood on the door frame and how that on the top dripped to the floor......connect the drops of lamb's blood and you have the perfect cross. (see above picture). This is a wonderful topic to press into, girls. Easter is right around the corner!

  4. MIndy, you always do such a great job. Everyone does. I also noticed that the plagues were primarily to show the Israelites God's power...Who's people they really were. God knew that they were going to need the evidence of his power to get them through the days ahead. I can only imagine what it was like to live through the actual passover...God wanted them to remember! He wanted them to pass on what God did for them for generations and not forget. It is so easy to forget what God does for us!

  5. And also- it wasn't just Israelites the left. Did you notice the small words in Exodus 12:38 "Many other people went with them..." Obviously the miracles God performed served to open the eyes of more than just the Israelites. Even now, God is showing us that his plan was for the WHOLE WORLD- not just the Israelites. It's faith that counts. These people had to adopt the practices of the Israelites- including circumcision. Yowza. It took some major faith for the heads of families (men) to consent to THAT to become members of this nation chosen by God. They must have considered that relationship to God as something very very valuable.


  7. I love in Exodus 10:1 how God's reason for the plagues and pharaoh's hardened heart is explained. He says, "I have hardened his heart... that you may know that I am the LORD." Wow! As I think about the reality of the people living through the plagues (or just any one of them!), I imagine just wanting to climb under the covers in my bed and wait until they go away... good company with frogs, huh? YUCK! God performed these "miracles" so that the Isralites would know Him... his power, justice, and protection of His chosen people.

    How blessed the Israelites must have felt amongst the mourning Egyptians! None of their first-born had died in the last plague... just as God had promised them. God gave specific instructions to them in their last hours in Egypt. They were to prepare the food quickly and eat while dressed and ready to go (full clothes, sandals, and staff in hand). I love the practicality of these instructions.

  8. Natalie - I LOVED what you added about the other people that left with the Israelites. What a great point! Jesus did NOT just come for the Jews but the whole world. Thank you Jesus that this includes me and those I love! And thank God for Paul that made sure us Gentiles would hear the Gospel!

    Also, I wanted to make a correction on my post. The hyssop was not actually one of the herbs that was used for the Passover, but it was the hyssop BRANCH that was used to put the blood on the doorposts and then to offer a "drink" to Jesus on the cross. Sorry about that! Just wanted to be sure I maintain the integrity of things!!
