Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Building of the Tabernacle

Do you feel like you have already read these exact verses? Were you like me and felt déjà vu? My NIV study notes tipped me off to the reasoning behind this. "Such repetition was a common feature of ancient Near Eastern literature and was intended to fix the details of a narrative in the reader's mind." Details anyone? In light of this explanation and trying to be a faithful reader, I read the tabernacle details again. I have to admit, it was somewhat difficult to stay focused. :)

The tabernacle was constructed with the very best of everything: offerings, supplies, skilled laborers, and of course, the most perfect design. There were so many offerings from the Israelites that Moses actually had to tell the people to stop giving. What a wonderful problem to have!

Each person had a God-ordained role to play in building the tabernacle... from Moses' oversight to the highly skilled Bezalel and Oholiab to those giving offerings. There must have also been people who carted supplies and prepared meals for the workers. I can only imagine the excitement and anticipation among the Israelites as they worked together to follow God's instructions for this very special and beautiful building. God's work is very exciting to those involved when people come together willing to use their gifts and talents, are cheerful givers, and are obedient to God's direction and commands. Moses' instructions for the tabernacle workers were to "do the work just as the LORD has commanded" (36:1). No more, no less.

The tabernacle was where God would dwell among the Israelites. It was to be their central place of worship... their sanctuary. I love to worship God with my church family on Sundays. I'm so thankful that today God dwells within me and I can also worship God wherever I am. Check out this video and spend a few minutes singing and praising our God with me!


  1. Hahahha.....it is only fitting that my very detail-oriented friend should get to write about this great detail, presented yet again :-)

    Studying the OT, I had in my notes where I read about the show-bread once in a quote by John Wesley, "What the law gave but a sight of at a distance, the gospel gives the enjoyment of."

  2. I was trying to stay focused too Amy! I had the thought that the details might be much more interesting if it were written in our measurement system today. Kind of like repeating how large something is in a story so you are impressed with the effect. It was very impressive that the israelites had to be told to stop bringing gifts. I agree, what a wonderful problem to have!

  3. Well, Terry, I thought it was just me - that I had read these details before. But it bears repeating - what a beautiful sanctuary built to specific details - and somewhere I read that the "gold" in the curtains were "threads of gold woven into the other colors" - wouldn't you just have loved to have seen that material! Couldn't find that in a store.

    It also reminded me of when we built our new Worship Center - how we were so excited about the new building, the extra space, the wide corridors to visit in, new sound system - and I remember people bringing their gifts and offerings to help defray the cost. And my, what a wonderful "offering" report in this Sunday's bulletin. God is good!

  4. Terry - LOVED the information about the reason for the repetition of the Tabernacle details. I have often wondered about the reason behind this, besides of course that God thinks that it is important and worthy of repetition! It can get a little dry though with these dry details! I mentioned this in another comment on a post, but wanted to repeat it here. If you ever have the chance to take Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place" please do so. I believe it was her first study she ever wrote and it is all about the Old Testament Tabernacle. I also had a similar feeling while reading this to the new church in the book of Acts and how they all worked together in one accord for the benefit of each other and for the edifying of Jesus' church. To me that kind of "echo" one another. Love the picture and the video link Terry! Thanks for that!!

  5. So, my days get mixed up when I work the weekend and for some reason I thought yesterday was Tuesday, and that Amy posted. Even though the date said Monday at the top, and Terry's name was at the bottom. (Also not so observant after 3 twelve hour shifts back to back...) Sorry Terry! It was a GREAT post! :)

  6. Terry-
    The post was excellent!!! I love to worship at church, home, in the car with 104.7 The Fish (even though my daughter says I am tone deaf. LOL). God is so worthy of all our praise and worship!!!!
