Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"...and out popped this calf!"

Okay Ladies...we are at the end of our 4th week together. How are you doing with your reading? Are you staying caught up? If you need to catch up, DO NOT GIVE UP!! The readings are not that long for each day, so if you get behind you CAN catch up! I promise you and more importantly, GOD promises you, that if you persevere you WILL be blessed! God is using this blog in a MIGHTY way for HIS purposes and I want all of you to be a part of this SPECIAL work of the Holy Spirit! Stay with us daughters of the KING!
"I don't know what happened Moses! While you were gone on that mountain for so long with God, these crazy Israelite people starting partying. They wanted something to worship while you were gone, so all I did was tell them to give me all their gold. I threw it into the fire and out popped this calf! I just don't understand it! I am not sure what happened and I just can't handle these people all by myself!" This is Mindy's version of chapter 32 verses 22-24. This is one of the funniest, if not THE funniest, lines in the Bible! I crack up every time I read it! Okay...a calf! Why not a lion, a tiger, a horse, or even an elephant? SOMETHING with a little power to it! But a calf! I mean, if you are going to worship an idol and bring the wrath of God upon yourself, make it something worthwhile. Not a weak little calf! Interestingly enough, God wanted to destroy all of them and make a great nation out of Moses. But instead of saying, "Okay great! Let's get rid of these idolatrous people and start over. Great plan!" He was humble enough to implore the Lord, or beg the Lord, to not destroy the people. My ESV Study Bible says this in the study notes about Moses at this point: "While illustrating the unfaithfulness of many of the people, the account highlights the faithful maturing of Moses as a leader and shows him bearing aspects of the Lord's character." I wonder what it sounded like when Moses broke the tablets with the 10 Commandments on it? I think I would have thrown it AT the crowd of them, not at the ground? Are you feeling me on that? About 3,000 men died that day because there is ALWAYS payment for sin.
Now, let's back up a little bit. Chapter 30 finishes up the instructions for the items for the Tabernacle. In the middle of all that though, in verses 11-16, the Lord commands Moses to take a census of the people and tax them. This tax was to be an offering to the Lord either as a ransom or to make atonement for their lives. But King David took a census of the people in 2 Samuel 24: 1-17 out of pride with disastrous consequences. God ALWAYS looks at the heart! In chapter 31 God does something REALLY cool. He puts His Spirit on two very special people, Bezalel and Oholiab, to make all of the items for the Tabernacle and complete all the work for setting up of the Tabernacle. Notice that God had to PUT His Spirit on certain people on whom He chose to put it on for specific purposes. We will see this sprinkled throughout the Old Testament. But now, we have the AWESOME privilege of having His Holy Spirit living IN us and NEVER to be removed once we receive His Son into our heart! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!
Check out this web site page that explains wonderfully how the Old Testament Tabernacle is symbolic of all that Jesus does for us. It is WELL worth your time! Also, Beth Moore has a fantastic study on the Old Testament Tabernacle called "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place". It is one of the first ones she did, if not the first one, and it is definitely a study to take should you ever get the chance!


  1. When we read this story long ago out of the children's Bible version, the "out came this calf" stuck out to us, too. To this day, whenever I hear the expression, "Holy Cow!"....I cringe a little on the inside. :-)

    With all the things God left OUT of scripture (on purpose, for sure)....I have to believe that all of this detail on the Tabernacle, furnishings, and servants is VERY important for us to know. Mindy's right, what a blessing to appreciate each and every part of His word.

  2. When I read about the men who were given special abilities in order to complete God's design for the tabernacle, it causes me to look at the special abilities that I see developing in my children and wonder what work God has planned for them to do with the gifts he is giving them.

  3. I agree with your take, Mindy, on Moses maturing. When he killed the man in Egypt as a young man, he ran. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame him, but here you see him being brave and reminding God of his promises to the people he brought out of Egypt. That took some courage I would think. It also shows God's compassion and mercy.

    And a calf?? You are right - I think I would have chosen something else too - but maybe there was some special significance to the calf image maybe that they had seen in Egypt? Does anyone know?

  4. Mindy, your posts always make me think and ponder the days of the Old Testament. You made me smile, laugh and think today.

  5. Okay, I didn't know about the calf either, but you all got me curious, so I googled it. The Egyptians worshipped a god "Hapi" who was a bull. His name means "the hidden one" and it (to egyptians) would have symbolized might and strength, oddly enough.
    On a more interesting note, guess what Aaron and his sons had to offer DAILY as a sacrifice for a sin offering to make atonement. Ummm...A Bull. Hello. God gave that command to Moses in Exodus 29:35. Probably at about the same time Aaron and the Israelites were building the calf. (They did that while Moses was on the mountain receiving the instructions we read in the previous chapters.) My thoughts are this: God wanted them to be reminded of their sin. Every day Aaron had to sacrifice that bull he probably remembered that golden calf. It was, after all, a sin offering. But, it also would remind him of God's mercy in sparing him, as well as using that object of idol worship to be an atoning sacrifice for his, as well as the israelites, sins. How amazing that God can take what should destroy us, and use it to purify us.

  6. The "out popped this calf" is a very funny line. Unfortunately, I can relate too well to Aaron's back-peddling. I think it is so wonderful that God chose Aaron as the "head" priest in spite of the fact that he created the calf idol for the Israelites to worship. I wonder at what point Aaron thought "Oh man, what have I done?" God's grace is displayed through His use of Aaron in a very special role following this event.

    Mindy, I got behind in my reading two weeks ago and quickly realized that is not a good thing to do. I'm trying to post a comment every day to help hold myself accountible :)

    Speaking of comments... I know there are some lurkers out there. We would love to hear from you. Please join us!

  7. Thanks so much Natalie for researching the information about the golden calf and why the Israelites would have chosen to fashion a calf out of gold. I also found this in the NIV Bible Commentary: "Calf: or 'bull-calf'. It is to be expected that the Israelites were familiar with the Egyptians and Canaanite bull-cults which flourished in the Nile Delta region. The Canaanite bull-cult of Baal was to prove a constant snare to them once they had settled in Canaan." So this makes even more sense with Natalie's comment above about Aaron having to sacrifice a bull! I still think they should have done something with a little more umph!! :)
