I'm sure you have heard your mother or your granny or a favorite aunt quote proverbs to you in your own life:
A stitch in time saves nine
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Hind sight is 20/20
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
I'm certain you could add many more. True wisdom begins with the knowledge that God is the starting point in the search for true wisdom - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge Proverbs 1:7. This book gives us practical advice in daily living, whether we are young or old or somewhere inbetween.
Proverbs 1 This chapter describes the benefits of wisdom and says that it is a choice. We all have choices to make in life - decisions on the path that we will follow. Using the term "my son" shows that these instructions were given to the young - trying to teach them to choose the right path. Don't we all try and do that with our children and grandchildren? Usually the choice to take the wrong path is made during one's youth. We tell our kids - "don't let peer pressure drag you in to something you will later regret - choose your friends wisely." What is that saying? "Birds of a feather flock together."
Proverbs 2 This chapter tells us what to do if we want wisdom: read and store up God's words and commands; having a listening ear for wisdom; cry out for insight and understanding; search for it like you would for a hidden treasure. This says that God gives us wisdom. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8. After watching the video that Natalie posted yesterday, I was convicted again about how seriously we need to take teach our children and grandchildren God's word so they can "hide it in their heart." As the young girls says in the video, "it will keep them on the path to righteousness."
Proverbs 3 To have wisdom, we don't just need to know the "rules and regulations." We need to know God. What are the benefits that are listed? Long life, riches, honor, peace. Are these guarantees? No. I think these are general principles. If you don't steal, you won't go to jail. If you eat right and exercise, you will be healthy. If you "do unto others," more than likely you will have peace in your life. Wise decisions. The choice is ours.

Verses 5 & 6 are some of the most familiar to us in all of the Bible. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. What a beautiful verse - one with promise and encouragement. I want to always acknowledge God in everything I do - daily. I want God directing my paths; otherwise, I will be in deep trouble. How about you? It is a daily commitment. It matters not the circumstances of your life - God is there. This verse does not call us to faith as an act of the mind or will, but to trust as an act of the heart.
Verses 32-35 These verses can be summed up to say that God rewards us according to our behavior. Remember the Israelites believed that words were powerful and that they accomplished either the good or evil that was spoken. Remember the "blessings and curses" that we studied earlier with Moses? (Deut. 11:26). Let's try and remember this - speak no idle words or words in anger.
And, oh yes, where did I put my muzzle??
Muzzle!!! Hahhaaaa :) Mrs. Barbara, Amy and I were watching Natalie's video yesterday. We commented on how this is God's plan.....His only plan....in spreading the gospel. We are to go and tell. That video is powerful!
ReplyDeleteThe words we read in Proverbs are good for so many things in life.....ministry, family, training children, and much more!
Love the way you started your post Mrs. Barbara! I love those sayings you quoted...classics!!! Sometimes the book of Proverbs can be a little tedious for me as each verse seems to be so important and necessary to our lives. It is just SO MUCH to take in all at one time. Proverbs 3: 5-6 is one of my most favorite verses in ALL of Scripture. Loved your introduction to this book too Mrs. Barbara! Also loved the picture!!!
ReplyDeleteProverbs 3:5-6 are also some of my favorite verses! It's so easy to "lean on our own understanding..." but it will lead us so far down a path we never wanted to go. Wonderful post Mrs. Barbara...you opened up the book of proverbs for us in a great way! :) Can't wait to get to some more "application." I love application.
ReplyDeleteProverbs is another one of my favorite books in the Bible. Love the "muzzle" remark, too. At times, I have to just zip my lips or superglue them so the wrong words do not come out just spontaneously. (Hint: I have a teenage girl :) ). Oh, how Proverbs gives such real life applications.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great start to Proverbs, Barbara! I love the practical applicability of these. And I was also challenged in these first
ReplyDeleteproverbs to take raising my son more seriously. The words are comforting though as they help me to know what to say to my son
about worrying what his peers think and do. I also like the comparison of searching for insight/understanding to searching for a
hidden treasure. We ACTIVELY look for those and should do the same with seeking Godly knowledge.