“We are given no signs from God; no prophets are left, and none of us knows how long this will be. How long will the enemy mock you, God? Will the foe revile your name forever? Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand? Take it from the folds of your garment and destroy them!”
How often do you feel this way about today’s society? Sometimes I question how much will God stand for. I hesitate at the question because I know He has been oh so gracious in my case. This passage was written about a time when enemies of Israel had come in and defeated them. They tried to destroy and eliminate anything that had to do with God. As we have seen throughout the Old Testament so far, God allows Israel to be captured and devastated over and over as punishment for their recurring sins. It is nothing that God did not warn them about. During these times of devastation and destruction the people turn to God and He rescues them over and over. This encourages me to keep on looking to God when I have gotten away. He wants us to come back. He never wants us to look away, but when we do we are welcome to return. That return may be difficult and it may be through pain and suffering that opens our eyes to the truth. It is discouraging to see how much God is ignored and rejected in our society. It is scary to see how much God, or more so the name “JESUS,” is hated in our society. But He has not forgotten us who believe and trust in Him. He is still in control. He has not been defeated or even put down.
Our God is just and He will bring judgement in the perfect time. Asaph, one of the temple choir leaders, is the writer of these four Psalms. We read his prayer for God to relieve them from their enemies and to remember His promises. Then Asaph gives thanks to God for righteous judgement. “We give thanks to you , O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.” Next Asaph praises God and tells of His majesty then he remembers God’s miracles from the past.
“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds. Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
How often do we forget what God has done? How many times has He rescued us from destruction or lifted us out of the pit of sin? Can you count them? I have several prayer journals that I started and then I get lazy about keeping it up. I love to look back at what I did record and see the AWESOME things God has done. The reading today has inspired me to keep up the journaling or maybe make a prayer box. I heard about the idea of a prayer box just last week and thought it was great. Just write down your prayers on a card and put it in a box. Then later look through the box and read the cards and if God has answered some of those prayers, you write what He has done on the back of the card. Maybe you already have a prayer box or prayer journal. If so I encourage you to look back through it today and be encouraged by all that He has done. Give Him praise and give Him thanks. “Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:3
Amy, what a great idea about a prayer box! Pastor Chris really spoke to me Sunday through his sermon about my prayer life. I want to get my eyes of self and my wants and pray for others. I sent a simple text out to family members and friends asking if there was a specific prayer request they had. Wow, so many responses. Prayer is a powerful tool. God has answered many prayers and He even says wait to me sometimes. But God is in control. Psalm 77:14 "You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Wow, what a powerful verse. I do believe in miracles because I know God is a mighty and powerful God. Nothing is impossible for Him. That is very comforting. Amy, thank you for your encouragement in each post!
ReplyDeleteI have a prayer journal but I must confess; I have never wrote in it. It is time to start and I am so glad that you brought it up. I can remember some times different prayers that was answered but so many I forgot. I want to remember the great things God has done in my life and would like for others to know them also. One biggie that I will never forget concerns my daughter. The doctor put me in the hospital and said I was going to lose the baby. They was getting ready to prep me for surgery. I prayed to God to let me keep my baby and He could have her for his service. I wanted to know that he heard and was going to allow me to keep her so I asked for a sign which is something I had never done before. As I asked for the sign, she kicked for the very first time. When they came in to prepare me, I told them they didn't need to do that because I was going to have the baby. God told me so. Of course, they thought I was crazy. I would like to say that I brought her up to serve God but that is not so. However, God does not forget. My daughter now is a pastor's wife and her whole life is dedicated to serving God. I thank God for her and for my other children who are serving God but my firstborn was my very first big miracle in my life.
ReplyDeleteI agree Amy. It is so good to remember the deeds of the Lord. I have prayer journals, but I'm sad to say the one I have now I've had for a long time. I don't write in it like I used to. We also have a "blessing jar" in our house. I started it last year after Thanksgiving when it struck me that I probably had way more to thank God about than I could remember! We write prayer requests down on pieces of paper and the date. When they prayer is answered, we date it and put it in the jar. This year at thanksgiving I'm going to make some sort of something out of it so we can remember what we have to be thankful for.
ReplyDeleteAmy, thank you for your post today! It's encouraging to me that our memories (and journals) can be used to remember God's faithfulness and working in our lives.
ReplyDeleteBoots, what a wonderful story about your daughter! She is a previous gift!
On Sunday, Chris mentioned that recollection is one of the ways we receive joy. As we take time to remember others and how God has worked, we have joy. You gals have just given a testimony about that! Thank you!
I do keep a prayer journal because SO MANY people ask me to pray for them that I just cannot remember it all! When I promise someone that I am going to pray for them, I keep that promise and one of the best ways to make sure I do is to keep a prayer journal. Ms. Boots - love the testimony about your daughter! What an amazing miracle she is! Amy - your post today really spoke to me. I needed to be reminded that God is in control...STILL! I get so frustrated with people sometimes and I just wish God would send Jesus NOW! But He is so much more merciful than me and wishes that none should perish and so He taries. I LONG for Him to rapture us each and every day but in the meantime I am doing work for His kingdom. Is it easy...NO!!! But the eternal rewards are going to be SOOOOO worth it!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI am a little behind on the reading and I was reading this post today after the Wednesday night class with Pastor Chris last night. He was talking about prayer and remembering what God has done too. I kept a journal faithful as a young woman and as my kids have come along, I have written less and less. I believe it is so important to be able to look back on your life and see what He has done. It helps in times of discouragement. You ladies are such a blessing!