David opened his prayer from a grieving heart asking for mercy. He recognized his sin, and that only God could cleanse him of it. He came to terms with his sin from birth, and asked forgiveness based on God's unfailing love and deep compassion! I think I've shared before how God has been showing me over and again how wicked and deceitful our heart really is! The world teaches that all people are naturally good, but God's word says we are born into sin. I would dare to say that every sin I could commit would start in my heart.
Know the history of your people, and the promise of a future. I love that David remembers the cleansing qualities of the hyssop plant during his prayer of repentance. I don't think he was referring to the herbal remedy as much as the symbolic remedy. Hyssop is what was used to apply the blood of the lamb to the doorposts of the Israelites homes during the passover. It symbolized cleansing and protection, against death! David was remembering the blood of the lamb, but I wonder if he realized that it was a promised Lamb yet to come, Whose blood would save him?
What do you do when the weight of your sin threatens to crush you? Satan would love to have you crippled. He is not able to have your soul, but he can have your life if you let him. Isaiah 59:2 says that living your life in sin robs you of a relationship with God. You are robbed of power, peace, strength, wisdom, blessing, and so much more! I cry out with David, "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation!" Though some days I'd love to remove the painful experience of my own sin, I think that I am better for it. God has used that time in my life more than any other to humble me, causing me to remember that it is nothing I have done and could ever do.....but it is all Him. I penned this remark from Beth Moore in my notes, "Only the repentant know what it's like to dance with joy and gladness on broken legs." Run. Run to Him.

Wanna know something really cool???? When I think of "whiter than snow" in comparison to washing of sin....I think of characteristics of snow. (Bear with me, I home school.) Did you know that every snowflake begins with a speck of dust? ...and that each flake is different? Remember reading in Job about the storehouses of snow in the skies?? God knows all the qualities and secrets of snow. He knows you. He knows your sin. He knows how to cleanse you of it.
I'm so thankful that God has forgiven my grievous sin. I'm also very thankful that He has promised it is forgotten. But, you know what? I'm glad He hasn't let me forget my sin. It's good for me to remember from whence He's brought this sinner.
I loved your post Jaybrena! We've touched on so much of what is in these psalms in my wednesday night class this past week. We were looking at the promises of God. The first few were- God is faithful, God is my transformation and God is my Rock. I'm so glad that He is faithful even when we are not and that HE is responsible for helping us become the people he knew we never could on our own! I'm also so thankful that He is our rock. I certainly know that, just like you said, if I were standing on my own two feet and the foundation I built it would fall straight out from under me!
ReplyDeleteWhat a perfect title for your post today. I need to be washed whiter than snow all too often. And when I miss the mark and sin, that is exactly what I have done - sinned against God. I love Psalm 51 - it is beautiful and meaningful. Thanks Jaybrena - you are always so honest!!
ReplyDeleteJaybrena - thank you for your candidness and your "realness"! It really helps to make all of these Psalms come to life and to have so much more real life meaning!!! We can a WHOLE LOT from the life of David, but I think one of the biggest things is a truly repentent heart and the mercy and love of our Lord!!! Thanks for ANOTHER wonderful post!!!
ReplyDeleteI also relish in your sincere and honest post! God is merciful and loving to those with a repentent heart. I have repented of past mistakes and I choose not to let Satan get a stronghold in my life. Excellent post!!!!