Okay Ladies and Gentlemen...how are you doing with your readings? Are you staying caught up? Are you receiving abundant blessings from this amazing book? Are you hearing God speaking to you through His perfect Word? Is this stuff awesome or what?!?! Stay the course! We are just about halfway through the Bible. Can you believe it? The verse that is exactly halfway through the Bible is Psalm 118:8...check it out...it is really cool.
Today we are going to begin Book IV of the book of Psalms. There are five books that make up this incredible book. Book IV includes Psalms 90-106. According to Jewish tradition, these five books are divided according to the arrangement of the Torah, or the first five books of the Bible. The book of Psalms is unique in that it contains many writings collected and compiled over a period of time and organized into its present form (HCSB Study Bible). We are going to read and apply Psalms 90-95, so please ask God to show you what He wants you to glean from these six chapters.
Today we are going to begin Book IV of the book of Psalms. There are five books that make up this incredible book. Book IV includes Psalms 90-106. According to Jewish tradition, these five books are divided according to the arrangement of the Torah, or the first five books of the Bible. The book of Psalms is unique in that it contains many writings collected and compiled over a period of time and organized into its present form (HCSB Study Bible). We are going to read and apply Psalms 90-95, so please ask God to show you what He wants you to glean from these six chapters.
PSALM 90: Eternal God and Mortal Man - What a contrast this is! God is eternal, which means He has NO beg
inning and NO end. I know we are used to hearing this, but stop and think about that for a minute...we REALLY cannot wrap our minds around that. We exist in the confines of time and space...God does not. This can help us have more faith, as He does not have these restrictions He can see and know more than we could ever possibly fathom! I love how in verse 10 of this chapter it states, "Our lives last seventy years or, if we are strong, eighty years. Even the best of them are struggle and sorrow; indeed, they pass quickly and we fly away." Even though these words were written thousands of years ago, 70 to 80 years old is the average life span of a very healthy person by today's standards. Timeless...the Bible is so VERY wise...yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Do you hide this timeless Word in your heart? Do you meditate on it day and night?

PSALM 91: The Protection of the Most High - In this chapter we see a quot
e that the devil uses against Jesus during the 40 days of temptation in the wilderness. Verses 11 and 12
are quoted by Satan in Matthew 4:6 and Luke 4:10-11. So here is the thing...the devil KNOWS Scripture and uses it against the Son of God...don't you think we better know Scripture just as well if not better than Satan if we are to defeat him? If we do not use our Sword against the devil, how can we ever expect to protect ourselves from him?

are quoted by Satan in Matthew 4:6 and Luke 4:10-11. So here is the thing...the devil KNOWS Scripture and uses it against the Son of God...don't you think we better know Scripture just as well if not better than Satan if we are to defeat him? If we do not use our Sword against the devil, how can we ever expect to protect ourselves from him?
Psalm 92: God's Love and Faithfulness - Verse 12 of this chapter refers to trees...one is a palm tree and the other is a cedar tr
ee from Lebanon. Trees are such an amazing part of God's creation. They serve so many purposes...shelter, shade, protection, oxygen, a nesting place for birds, a beautiful sound when the wind rushes through them, they provide fruit in many cases, and we can use them to build things with. The cedars of Lebanon were (and still are) a very prized tree. They were used in the Biblical times to make ships and to construct majestic buildings, the most famous of which was Solomon's temple. Moses was also instructed to use the cedar bark for circumcision and for the treatment of leprosy. The righteous will grow strong and blossom like a strong tree. Are you planted strongly in the Word of God? Are you producing fruit no matter what age you are?

PSALM 93: God's Eternal Reign -
Mighty and Majesty...what images come to mind when you think of these two words? These are two excellent descriptions for who God is. Have you ever stood and listened to the ocean waves? Have you ever been where you can hear the waves crashing against huge rocks or mountains? There is nothing that can compare to that sound and the might and majesty of the way they look and sound! Throw a beautiful horse on the shore and you have the ultimate picture of beauty, grace, might, and majesty! The Hebrew word for "reigns" in verse one is a verb form implying a completed action or an established condition. He DOES reign! He always has and always will. Are you living your life as though He has established His reign over EVERYTHING?

PSALM 94: The Just Judge - There are some great questions that are asked in this Psalm! Such as in verse 3, "Lord, how l
ong will the wicked - how long will the wicked gloat?" I have asked this question a thousand times! There are few things more frustrating in this life than seeing the wicked prosper! But as I have said before, NOTHING goes unseen by our just God! I also love verse 8, "Pay attention, you stupid people! Fools, when will you be wise?" Boy have those words come out of my mouth when I see the ways of the wicked and their pride! Then I love the way verse 19 says, "When I am filled with cares, your comfort brings me joy." Pastor Chris just talked this past Sunday about us being joyful regardless of our circumstances because of whose we are and because of who is in control of our lives. Do you have joy in your life no matter what you are going through? I am not talking about happiness, but the joy of the Lord...do you have it?

PSALM 95: Worship and Warning - Verses 6 and 7 are so beautiful! He is SO VERY WORTHY of our praise and for us to fall on our knees before Him. I love doing a
post on Saturdays because it helps me get my mind and my heart ready for worshipping Him on Sunday! Verse 11 talks about the warning of the fact that "They will not enter my rest." The concept of "rest" reaches its full potential in Hebrews 4:3-11. This verse is quoted in that portion of Scripture in Hebrews. Rest...something that is so VERY important to our lives! I know that the relief of rest, both spiritually and physically, is one of life's greatest joys. I think the worst thing about hell is that there will be no rest (Rev. 14:11). Think of the most fatigued, tired, and exhausted you have ever been in your whole life and NOT being able to sleep or rest. Pretty awful thought isn't it? Do you rest in the Lord? Do you let Jesus carry your burdens or do you try to do it all yourself?

P.S. Sorry this is so late getting on here! Been a busy day!!! I think I need some rest!!! ;)
Mindy thanks for your thoughts on these Psalms today and your pictures were lovely. I love Psalm 91 - especially the "He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shall you find rest." That is so peaceful and beautiful to me - surely like the "balm for my soul" that I desperately needed after a week babysitting a 9 week old grandson, 2 teenagers and one 9 year old (and I could never figure out how to get on my daughter's computer to put in my comments this week, sorry!) Believe me I needed "rest."
ReplyDeleteMindy, the pictures are beautiful. Your statement about "God being eternal" blows my mind every time. Forever and ever. Our minds cannot comprehend all the intricate parts of eternity. I'm very happy that God can take care of all those details. Matthew 11:28 is very comforting. Fixing to rest.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Mindy, what a great way to prepare for corporate worship!!! :) And, chapter 94 reminds me of that old saying "it rains on the just and the unjust".....
ReplyDeleteAgain and again in these Psalms I hear "God is great!" His eternal nature and omnipotence are contrasted with our own human frailty and mortality. That indeed inspires me to rest in God and worship Him! A beautiful, encouraging and uplifting post, as always Mindy!
ReplyDeleteWell I have past those God given years and I am still here enjoying His word and my fellow bloggers post and comments. No, I can't comprehend always was and always will be but God said it and I believe it and while I never "always was" I know thanks to our Lord and Savior I will "always be." Isn't that a great promise to us.