Today we are looking at eight Psalms that were all written by David. The Holman Standard Christian Study Bible that I am doing some studying out of gives a heading for each of the Psalms beyond just who wrote it and if it is a song and who it may have been written for. So I am going to kind of do what Mrs. Barbara has been doing and go through each Psalm individually.
PSALM 58: This Psalm is all about a cry against injustice. Verse 2 says, "No, you practice injustice in your hearts; with your hands you weigh out violence in the land." How applicable is this Psalm to what we are seeing in the headlines today? Just think about the Caylee Anthony trial. Or what about in your individual lives? How many injustices have you had to endure? Here is the thing...NOTHING goes unseen by our great God! EVERYTHING will be brought to justice by Him at some time in the future! Just as verse 11 says, "Then people will say, 'Yes, there is a reward for the righteous! There is a God who judges on earth!'"
PSALM 59: This Psalm is all about God being our
stronghold. We have heard this same sentiment in several other Psalms. This Psalm was written when Saul sent agents to watch the house and kill David. This story can be found in 1 Samuel 19:11. But we can ALL call on God to be our stronghold! He is BIG enough and STRONG enough, is He not? Can we not shout out to Him as David does in verse 16, "But I will sing of Your strength and will joyfully proclaim Your faithful love in the morning. For you have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in my day of trouble."?

PSALM 60: This Psalm deals with prayer in difficult times. The setting of t
his Psalm is when David fought Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah and Joab returned and struck Edom in the Valley of Salt killing 12,000. This story can be found in 1 Chronicles 18: 3,12. This Psalm is one of six Psalms that are called a Miktam. These six Psalms are Psalm 16, and Psalms 56-60. My HCSB Study Bible states that, "The Hebrew root from which the form is derived may mean 'cover', 'secret', or 'inscribe.' It is most likely a musical term, though its precise relationship with music is uncertain." Hmmm...that is kind of mysterious! David is crying out to God that He has rejected the Israelites, which of course He had not and never will. Sometimes when God allows things to happen to us, we can feel as though He has rejected us. But He promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5). Of course David knows that defeating their enemies is impossible without God! In verse 12 he says, "With God we will perform valiantly, He will trample our foes." And He will do the same thing for us!

PSALM 61: This Psalm is concerning security in God. David uses some VERY pretty language in this particular Psalm. In verse 2 we find some words in a worship song many of us have sung in the past, "I call to You from the ends of the earth when my heart is without strength. Lead me to a rock that is high above me (or higher than I)." Verse 3 calls God our "strong tower", a title of another popular contemporary Christian song. One thing that REALLY strikes me here is that the Bible is just SO amazingly timeless! It is ALWAYS applicable to our lives!
PSALM 62: Trust in God alone. Isn't that hard
to do sometimes? We are surrounded by people and many forms of media that tell us to trust in our bank accounts, our jobs, our investments, our own strength, and our "stuff". ALL of these things are fleeting and easily destroyed as many of us have seen in this current economy or through the destruction of the horrible tornadoes that hit our area just a short while ago. Verses 5 and 6 sum it up VERY nicely! David said, "Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken." DO NOT let the world shake you!

PSALM 63: God is the only One who can completely satisfy us. This Psalm was written when David was in the wilderness of Judah, which could refer to either hiding from Saul or from his son Absalom. We sometimes search and search for worldly things that will satisfy our soul. For those of us who have tried to do this, we quickly find out that there is NOTHING that can completely satisfy our soul other than the Lord. There is a place inside of each of us that God Himself created that can ONLY be filled with Him. NOTHING else can do it! David so aptly stated in this Psalm in verse 1, "God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You. I thirst for You; my body faints for You in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water." Do you EAGERLY seek God everyday?
PSALM 64: God provides protection from evildoers. Does this mean that we will never be hurt by evil people? Of course not! But as I stated earlier, NOTHING goes unnoticed by our God! ALL evildoers will be punished one day, even if WE do not get to see it! We live in a fallen world and being attacked by evildoers is going to happen to us! But as David said in verses 7 and 8, "But God will shoot them with arrows; suddenly, they will be wounded. They will be made to stumble; their own tongues work against them. All who see them will shake their heads." These evil people WILL be brought to justice under our God!
PSALM 65: This Psalm shows God's care for the earth. David uses some very poetic language in this beautiful Psalm. We should DAILY be awestruck by the awesomeness of God's creation. If we are not, them perhaps we are way too busy! BUSY...Being Under Satan's Yoke! Do not let Satan rob you of the joy of God's creation! It is something to behold DAILY! David states in verse 5, "You answer us in righteousness, with awe-inspiring works. God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the distant seas." Have you taken the time lately to really look at His awe-inspiring works?
Whew!!! That was A LOT of Psalms to take in for one day! My heart is overwhelmed with God's love and incredible acts on our behalf! Will you please go to church tomorrow with a heart overflowing with praise and worship for Him and Him alone? After all, He is most worthy!

Great job on these psalms Mindy. Sometimes I think only one Psalm per day would be sufficient - there is so much in each of them. But, then we would never get through our readings in less than a year and a half! Your pictures are beautiful as well. Where do you all find such great pictures?!!
ReplyDeleteIn Psalm 62, verse 8 I have a note in my Bible where the Word says, "pour out your heart before Him" and my note says "gush out." Oh how many times have I gone before the Lord and "gushed out" my prayers and concerns and hurts to Him. I am so thankful that I can do that.
Amen Mindy! My heart is definitely overflowing with praise and worship for our Almighty God. He is so worthy of all our praise!!!! So many times I have just knelt before Him and humbly bowed to His name. Oh! If people just would believe how powerful and Almighty He is in our lives. I am in awe of all the things God can and does for us. He has such power and strength which words cannot even begin to express. Psalm 64 is comforting to me. God sees it all and will deal with it accordingly in His time. God is good. I am so ready to praise God tomorrow. Mindy-as always-EXCELLENT post!!!!