Written in the margin outside Psalm 77, about verses 17-20, in my teenage cursive was this: "How often has God come through for me, and I still have trouble trusting. Do I know God's character?" My, what a journey God and I have been on since I penned those words. In those days my trust issues centered around whether or not my dreams and God's plans were going to line up. Specifically, finding the right boy to marry, college, career, and perhaps summer missions, etc. While I no longer wonder about those specific dreams, there are still things I have trouble trusting Him with. Now, I've come a long way- but you'd think I would have made more progress by now!
As Asaph is recounting in Psalm 78, (and we've read ourselves) the Israelites apparently had the same problem. So, he's taking them on a trip down memory lane. We've had several posts lately about the importance of remembering what God does for you. Remembering and thanking God for all He does for us is so important to keep us humble, thankful and faithful. It helps us fight the devil and increases our faith as well. In Revelation 12:11, John goes so far as to say that "They overcame him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." Our testimonies of what God has done for us are weapons we can use to fight satan's attacks in our own lives and perhaps even in the lives of others!
Not long after I wrote that note in my Bible, or perhaps even before I wrote it, a teenager at Columbine High School in Denver Colorado was shot and killed after stating, "Yes, I believe in God." Not long after that, a popular band at the time DC Talk put out a compilation of stories about Christian martyrs called, "Jesus Freaks." They also had a popular song out at the time that had the same title. This is an excerpt from that book.
A Christian prisoner in Cuba was asked to sign a statement containing charges against fellow Christians that would lead to their arrest. He said: "The chain keeps me from signing this." The Communist officer protested, "But you are not in chains!" "I am," said the Christian. "I am bound by the chain of witnesses who throughout the centuries gave their lives for Jesus Christ. I am a link in this chain. I will not break it."As a teenage girl living in the safe confines of America, the testimony of another girl, who I could easily relate to, that cost her life impacted me strongly. Would I have done the same? So many of my other friends found themselves asking the same question. I devoured the whole book "Jesus Freaks" and marveled at how many people were martyred for Christ the world over, here and now. There are more Christian martyrs today then there were in 100 AD, in the days of the Roman empire. Reading their stories, I echoed the sentiments of the psalmist in Psalm 79. "How long, O Lord? Before our eyes, make known among the nations that you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants. May the groans of the prisoners come before you; by the strength of your arm preserve those condemned to die."
You know what amazes me? God uses Satan's own weapons against him. At the threat of death, these courageous men and women- many teenagers- stood firm for God because they knew that Christ had already overcome death. The end was only the beginning for them. Their testimonies then go on- often to turn the hearts of their tormentors or executors, or perhaps to make a teenage girl a half a world away pursue God with a renewed passion for a faith so determined and courageous.
While I hope that none of us are ever faced with the choice of denying Christ or death, we do have stories to share. I've enjoyed reading some of them over the past several days! We are all links in the chain of witness for Christ. It may cost us, but I pray we will share our stories. I pray they will be weapons used to overcome Satan. Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed to overcome death!
Theologians call David a "type" of Christ. Meaning, he was a representation at an earlier time of what Christ would be later. I love how Psalms 78 and 79 both end:
He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens;from tending the sheep he brought himto be the shepherd of his people Jacob,of Israel his inheritance.And David shepherded them with integrity of heart;with skillful hands he led them. (Ps. 78:70-72)Pay back into the laps of our neighbors seven timesthe reproach they have hurled at you, O Lord.Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture,will praise you forever;from generation to generationwe will recount your praise. (Ps 79:12-13)We truly have a Shepherd who shepherds us with integrity of heart and skillful hands. Ladies, we've got to more than remember what God has done for us. We've got to tell it. Pass it on. It's our small part in the battle being played out on the eternal stage. Who knows how far our arrows will reach? One day, we, God's people, will be led in to praise him forever. I can't wait for that march, can you? For now, take a march down memory lane...
Natalie, I have not read your post yet but I will later. I just wanted to get this in so that whoever adds a comment can also add a prayer. My great grandson Benjamin is going in for an MRI tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM PDT. The doctor noticed his right arm in not moving correctly. As we was talking yesterday about prayer journals, I pray you will all add him to yours. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe message I got was wrong it was this AM. Pray that the outcome is good, please. I have taken many memories down memory lane. As a child, everything is so simple and we have no questions just acceptance. As we grow older, we question more which is why we go to God's word to find the answer. Natalie, I have a Bible that my husband gave to me. It was getting worn and tattered also. I have now put it up and got another Bible but that will stay with me forever just as it is for it is very special to me.
ReplyDeleteWhat a powerful word, Natalie...I read it twice. :) In an attempt to define true heroism for my children, we have studied many heroes of the faith who lived in the last centuries.
ReplyDeleteIn a world that threatens our worldviewpoint every day.....reminders like these just put things in perspective, don't they?? May we never break the chain!!!
Natalie, a trip down memory lane is just what I needed today to put life in perspective. As I thought about my past, God has seen me, family members, friends and just acquaintances trhough some difficult situations. God has helped us become stronger, grow and be even more dedicated to Him. Has the journey been easy? No, but with God on my side and in my heart I know I can face the challenges. Sometimes going down memory lane helps to face future circumstances. Lord, I pray I always speak of you and your blessings and be a living testimony for you.
ReplyDeleteMs. Boots - I will definitely be praying for little Benjamin! Natalie - your posts are always so powerful and so applicable to our lives today. I loved your comment about God using Satan's ways against him. I know I need to do a better job of praying for the missionaries all over the world risking their lives daily for the cause of spreading the Gospel. I remember very well the day Columbine happened. I have asked myself many time since then what would I have done in that position. To take it one step further, what if that same person was holding a gun to my child's head and was going to kill her if I said I believed in Jesus? Hmmm...something to think about! Are we willing to give our lives for the sake of the Gospel?
ReplyDeleteFoxes Book of Martyrs is another great read giving stories of great Christians. My dad used to read to us from it as teenagers. Natalie, I was blessed by your insights today. I was challenged to begin sharing with my kids the things God has done in my life over the years.