OH! The wisdom found in these chapters!!! If I were to begin telling you the stories of my life that I am reminded of when I read these verses, we'd be here all day! And, besides, I'm sure that there are verses that mean so much more to you because of your own life experience. But one thing seemed to stick out to me while reading these particular chapters, today. I have a friend in my life who tells her older children whenever they are going out, "Remember Whose you are and Whom you represent." Having said that, allow me to share my heart with you...
Remember Whose you are! There are several lectures given in these chapters, given by a father to his son. They each open with a plea for the son to listen, the message, and often a plea to listen again because God is watching. This father advises his son on many subjects: get wisdom, guard your heart, watch your mouth, direct your eyes, plan your steps, avoid promiscuity, embrace pure love, don't sign surety, work hard, don't be lazy, don't flirt with temptation, and so many more. This is a father who has learned a few things about this life we live!!! He knows that God's ways are higher....often times harder.....but always better. He has bought you with a price, therefore honor God with your body.
Remember Whom you serve! The Holy Spirit has inspired these words as a reminder that not only is God watching us, but He is our ever-present help. God is near. And, ladies.....what you can hide from your friends, cannot be hidden from your God. Where ever you go, whatever you do, whatever you say, He is watching....listening....guiding. You represent Him. You are the hands and feet of Christ. Your choices affect eternity, and you never know who is watching you! Know this one thing, the Lord is watching. His eyes roam to and fro....not in some "I-can't-wait-til-ya-mess-up-so-I-can-slap-ya-with-this-lightning-bolt" kinda way, but in an "I-can't-wait-to-catch-you-doing-something-good-so-I-can-strengthen-your-heart" kinda way! (And you know how I feel about "hearts"!)

Ladies, it doesn't take much forethought to live a life of sin. It doesn't really take any planning at all! The world would have you believe that this place is bettering itself and that we are "spontaneously reaching higher levels of development." I think you and I know differently. Left to our own, we would perish. But, if we seek after Him and follow His ways, we will live. He's called us to be humble, gentle, patient, kind, loving, peaceful, and united! Why is this so important??? Eternity is on the line! It takes a huge amount of effort to live the life worthy of the calling we have received, but I have to believe that it's worth it!
Wonderful post Jaybrena! Over and over again, "Listen to your father's instruction..." it reminds me of the teenagers who think they know better. Oh that we would remember that we don't know better! What we read yesterday..."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..."
ReplyDeleteJaybrena, what a great post and I loved your picture! "Remember who you belong to." My mother would often tell me that when I was a teenager and heading out the door. I know she meant that I belonged to my family, but here are the same words showing us we belong to God and represent Him as well. I love those words.
ReplyDeleteJaybrena - you have such a gift for being so real and so relevant in your posts and I really appreciate that! I needed the reminder that the Lord sees all that we do and say and the intentions of our hearts. I have been very convicted lately about looking closely at how I am acting when I am at home or when no one is watching because it is THEN that our TRUE selves comes out! The one that God sees all the time! We can fool people but NOT God! I also cringe everytime I read verses 16-19 of chapter 6 as I see myself in that list at so many times in my life. These things are DETESTABLE to the Lord and I have done them so many times! Thank you Lord for the fact that you forgive me for all of them because of the work of your Son!!!
ReplyDeleteJaybrena-your words spoke volumes to me today. God does know our every thought, feeling, action regarding everything. Lord, help me to live a life which is holy and not to judge others situations.
ReplyDeleteJaybrena, thank you for such sweet and encouraging words! Thank you for the reminder to press on for eternal purposes. These
ReplyDeleteproverbs are so encouraging to me as I know doing good is not just about me being a good person, but about doing what is right in
the eyes of the Lord.