Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Be a Barnabas

Barnabas - I admire this man. When no one wanted to extend the right hand of fellowship to this new believer because they were afraid - he came forward. He responded to Paul as a new person in Christ and believed in him. Imagine the courage that took - when everyone was still afraid of Paul because of his persecution of Christians and his horrible reputation - Barnabas stepped up to the plate. Was Paul a changed person or was he putting on a front so he could entrap the disciples? Barnabas was willing to take the risk. Would I have been?

Are we willing to take a risk like this? Do we extend the right hand of fellowship to all of the new Christians we encounter? Certainly they don't have a "reputation" like Paul did, but perhaps they have been living a different kind of life style or running with the wrong crowd. So - are we willing to encourage them and offer our friendship? To take them in?

The Bible says that Barnabas Took him and brought him to the apostles . . . Barnabas took personal responsibility in seeing that this new person in Christ had the opportunity to grow and be used in ministry. What if he had not done this? I'm certainly not taking anything away from Ananias, but remember God spoke to him in a vision. It doesn't say in scripture that God spoke to Barnabas the same way. Perhaps he felt it in his heart that this was a changed man, and he deserved a chance and needed to be included with the other disciples. And what a difference Paul made in the beginning of the early church and the spreading of the Good News - and Barnabas was a part of this.

Can we not do the same? You never know how God has changed a person's heart and what great works will be done by using their life. Do we invite new people that join our church to come on Wednesday nights, include them in conversations, ask them to join our Sunday School class or Choir? Make them feel welcome?

Barnabas' real name was Joseph, but he was nicknamed Barnabas - Son of Encouragement. Do you know an "encourager"? I bet you do. I bet when you read this you smiled and thought of them. It's simple really. A few words of encouragement can change the atmosphere. A short note, a phone call or an e-mail telling of your support can brighten a person's day. While words of disapproval and criticism can easily send a person and their dreams plummeting, a smile, a few words of praise can set a heart singing. Perhaps you will never know what that one smile or those few compliments will mean in that person's day - or life.

Do you know a Barnabas? Thank them, and let them know what they have meant to you and the need they have filled in your life. Want to be a Barnabas? Look around - there is always someone that needs encouragement. Start today - it's never too early!


  1. Ms. Barbara, YOU are one of the first "Barnabas's" I thought of! You have certainly been an encouragement to me, and it has meant so much.

    I love the story of the gospel being taken to the Gentiles. Praise God that He didn't show favoritism!!

  2. I believe that the reason our church has grown so fast is because there are so many Barnabas' attending. I have been to so many churches that nobody welcomes you or speaks to you. It is hard to go back to a church like that. We may not recognize somebody as being a life long member but isn't it better to greet them and let them know that it is good to see them that to not know and it be a new person that nobody speaks to.
    great post, Barbara.

  3. Becuase encouragement is so rare in our world today, when we do come across it, it has quite an impact on us. Barnabas is one of my FAVORITE characters in the New Testament! I cannot even imagine the courage it took for Barnabas to stand up for Paul. Barnabas is just one of those people whose example we need to follow everyday! WONDERFUL post Mrs. Barbara!

  4. Amen, sisters! Barbara, what a great post! So practical... I love practical. I also thought of the courage that Barnabas must have had and he was willing to testify on behalf of Paul. I felt challenged to be more bold in speaking on behalf of others and how God is working in their lives.

    The other verse that stood out to me was the first interaction between Peter told Cornelius: 'But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”' Peter knew that only the Lord Jesus was worthy of being worshiped.
