Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dying to Live and Living to Die.

I'm writing this post on Saturday evening. Basically, because I'm working the next several days and won't have a chance again. I tell you that so you know, that as I'm working on this, our reading from Saturday is very fresh in my mind. Jesus told us, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." I'll be honest. When I read that earlier today, the last thing on my mind was physical persecution. I thought about all the tiny irritations and struggles I face on a daily basis, and thought, "How wonderful to know we have a hope beyond this." Reading today's passage from Acts right behind Jesus' words put them into a very different perspective. Below is the story of Stephen, the first Martyr, as told in the book "Jesus Freaks".

Across the courtroom, the young man on trial continued preaching. The jury fidgeted nervously as he told of their religious heritage and forefathers. What did Abraham and Moses have to do with this Jesus? Another young man in the audience, about the same age as the defendant, seemed not to be listening. His mind was already made up on the matter of this Jesus follower. The crowd of jewish leaders, however, grew more agitated at every word from the young defendant.
Suddenly the preacher turned to the audience. "You stubborn and hardheaded people! You're always fighting against the Holy Spirit, just like your ancestors did. The killed the prophets who told about the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have turned against Him and killed Him. You have received the law of God, but you have not kept it."
When the crowd heard this, they were even more furious, but the defendant ignored their growing anger. His face glowed like that of an angel, and he stopped talking and pointed to the ceiling. "Look! I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
This was to much. Yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed him. The dragged him out of the city to stone him. He continued preaching all the way.
The young man who had been in the audience, on Saul of Tarsus, followed after them. He stood a short distance away from the defendant, looking steadily at the sky as the mob grew larger. The cries grew more heated now. A man handed Saul his coat, the stooped to pick up a stone as though waiting for a signal from Saul. Saul lowered his gaze then looked directly into the man's eyes and nodded. It was time to silence the young preacher.
Stephen, the defendant, continued despite the crowd's jeers, because the Man he was telling them about was so important to him. He couldn't stop talking about Him. Several more men had now removed their coats, handed them to Saul, and began gathering rocks, many of them so large the men had to lift them with two hands.
"The blasphemer must be dealt with!"
"He speaks against Moses!"
"We don't want to hear about your Jesus anymore!"
A rock sailed past Stephen's head. He stopped speaking long enough to duck it, dazed for a moment, the stood to continue. The second rock caught him near his temple, and he fell to his knees. Another hit his shoulder. Then there were too many to count.
"No more Jesus talk!"
"Let this be a lesson to all who would proclaim this Jesus!"
Another stone found it's mark. Then another. He couldn't open his eyes for the sting of the blood. His clothes were torn by the blows and blood dripped freely from the tatters. He began to pray, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he scanned the crowd until his eyes locked with those of the young man who held a bundle of coats. "And Lord," he continued, "do not hold this sin against them."
When he said those words, Stephen died.
Slowly men gathered their coats from young Saul, who was soon alone with the body of the young preacher. Saul had come to Jerusalem to help silence this growing craze about Jesus of Nazareth. Despite his hatred, he could not shake the young man's words and how fearlessly he had faced death. He stood staring at the body of the first martyr for this Jesus. The glow that had so angered Saul was sill on the young man's face. He had seen it as the smug pride of a heretic, but could it have been something else? He quenched the thought and moved away, more determined than ever to crush this Jesus movement.

It amazes me that ever since it's infancy, the Christian faith has incited such passionate anger in people. It has also given rise to some of the most passionate followers. Every one of Jesus' disciples with the exception of John, died a martyr's death. People all over the world face physical persecution and death for Jesus frequently. We are so abundantly blessed here in America. But, what do we do with it?

Some Christians haven't even attempted to think about whether or not they would die for Jesus because they haven't really been living for Him.
-DC Talk

What does it mean to live for Jesus? Jesus showed us with His own life. Love God. Love others. Love your enemies...live for Him. Lay down your life.
"You may never have to face the decision of whether or not to die for your faith, but every day you face the decision of whether or not you will live for it." Jesus Freaks, p. 21
There's something heroic and inspiring about dying for Christ. When I first read that book "Jesus Freaks" I was in High School. I had the book with me at school and someone, reading the cover, asked "So, are you a Jesus Freak?" I didn't know what to say exactly, but ended up responding with "I hope so." I've heard it said that heroes are made in the small day to day decisions of life. The great heroes of the faith lived it out on a daily basis. They lived for Him before they ever got the chance to die for Him.

We all know the story of the young man, Saul, holding the coats at Stephen's death. He met "this Jesus" on the Damascus Road and was forever changed. He became Paul- just as zealous FOR the gospel as he had been against it. He died a martyrs death himself, beheaded for being a Christian just outside Rome many years later after a lifetime of persecution and sharing the gospel. I can't help but wonder at the seed planted by the death of Stephen. It was no accident that Saul was there holding coats. God appointed that meeting.
Sufferings gladly borne for others convert more people than sermons.
Therese of Lisieux

The men and women of God who have died over the years were more concerned with saving their torturers than their own lives. God has not called us to hate those who do evil, but to pray for them and bring them into His family as our brothers and sisters. Be encouraged by Stephen. Be encouraged by the disciples. Be encouraged by those who have died- then their deaths are not in vain.
Make your life count!


  1. Stephen's testimony is certainly an amazing one that gives us an (almost) impossible challenge. I'm encouraged by remembering that we have the same Spirit of Stephen and God wants to do big things in my life. Natalie, I appreciate the reminder that obedience is daily... through day-to-day decisions. Great post!

  2. OH! That book you quoted from is such an attitude-adjuster! Sometimes we feel so persecuted and we just have no idea. And, just as Amy said earlier this week, the Name of JESUS just changes everything. Speaking His Name brings supernatural power into that immediate circumstance, and begs recognition!!! Some react in anger, some react in worship. Oh, praise Him!

  3. I believe with all my heart that one day the Christians of America will be persecuted and beaten for their beliefs. When I read of the awful death of Stephen, I wonder would I be that strong. I can almost feel the stones hit. I pray that God will keep me strong and that I will live and sing his praises for all of my days.

  4. Thanks Natalie for a wonderful post. I'm so glad that you quoted from that book - it made it so personal - like Mrs. Boots said - you could almost feel the stones.

    Oh to have a faith and be obedient like that. "Make your life count" - I like that!

  5. You know Natalie - in all the times I have read through the Bible I NEVER thought about the fact that Saul was not there by accident at the stoning of Stephen. You just cannot help but think that the seeds that were planted at Stephen's stoning grew and grew and came to full bloom finally at Paul's conversion and his OWN persecution. I agree completely with Ms. Boots about the fact that we as Americans will some day soon be violently persecuted in THIS country. Are we ready to endure that for Him? Do we experience JOY at the fact that we will be counted as worthy to suffer for Him? I LOVE your post Natalie...wonderful!!!
