Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Poured Out

Seems like I get "stuck" on just a few words in each chapter I read. They seem to "reach out and touch me," and the words for today's reading were the words poured out.

What does it mean to be poured out? Webster's dictionary says the verb poured means . . . to dispense, to supply or produce freely, to cause to flow as in a stream, to empty out. Webster's Thesaurus gives these words: to drain, to spew, to spill.

This caused me to ponder the question - What am I pouring out my life for today? Is it my family, gaining wealth, being noticed, hobbies, entertainment, or my faith? What am I giving my all to and spilling out my time on?
In these chapters there are several pourings we are witness to: some bad, some good, and one life-changing for us all if we but choose it.
The Widow poured out her offering - all that she had - and she had very little - with none left for herself

Jesus poured out to the disciples the future destruction of the temple, of Jerusalem, and the signs of the end times

Peter and John poured out their energy when they bought and prepared the Passover meal for Jesus and the rest of the disciples - which probably included the sacrifice of a lamb, preparation of the unleavened bread, herbs, and wine and other ceremonial food

Judas poured out his friend and companion when he betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver

The disciples poured out their arguments to each other as they discussed their prestige in the kingdom and who would be the greatest

Peter was warned that he would pour out denial of his Lord three times before the rooster crowed

Jesus poured out his sweat in prayer like "great drops of blood" in the Garden
But the most meaningful pouring in today's verses - -
. . . and He took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."

Christ's death on the cross for my sins was the pouring out of His life blood - His death for my sins and salvation. That is why we partake of the bread and the wine during The Lord's Supper to remember and commemorate the Lord's death until He comes again.
I pray that we are pouring out our daily lives for His holy purpose. And that reminded me of a song:

Broken and spilled out

Just for love of me Jesus

God's most precious treasure
Lavished on me
You were broken and spilled out
And poured at my feet
In sweet abandon Lord
You were spilled out and used up for me.


  1. Jesus was so intentional with where He poured out His energy. Such purposeful time in prayer and teaching and mentoring! I want to be more intentional with my energy!

    Thank you Mrs. Barbara for "pouring" into this blog! You have so much to teach us, and I'm so grateful for our time together over the last months!

  2. "The disciples poured out their arguments to each other..." I think of all the wasted time spent on these kind of things. Jaybrena, I am thinking about posting the word "intentional" on my fridge to remind me daily of my purpose. Jesus is coming soon! Thank you Mrs. Barbara for another wonderful post.

  3. Love, love, love the "poured out" connection throughout your post Mrs. Barbara! What a wonderful way to bring all that is in these two chapters together. It really made me think about ALL of the pouring out I am doing in my life right now and that I need to be careful that I direct my "pouring" only for the purposes of glory of God and NOTHING else. That is the LEAST I can do for Him who "poured out" His ALL for me. Amazing post Mrs. Barbara!!!

  4. Mrs. Barbara what a great post! We all, consciously or not "pour out" on a daily basis. What are we pouring out- and for what purpose? Questions to think on and pray over as I go about my day.
