Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Man on a Mission

What does the term "mission trip" conjure up in your mind?  Does it make you nervous?  excited?  both?  Do you think of going to a place half-way across the world to a place with people that are much different than you?  Do you think of going to one of the other 50 United States to work with people that are more familiar to you, but with greater physical needs?  Do you think of going to the local Walmart?  I've been very blessed to have been on several missions trips in my life to different places and with different strategies of sharing the gospel.  When I think of a new opportunity for a mission trip, I get butterflies in my stomach.  It's a bit out of my comfort zone, but I can get excited about going to a new place with a group of believers for a common purpose.  You know what?  The bottom line is that it's all about the people and building relationships.  Mission trips are simply another way for us to encounter people and to share the love of Christ.

Paul was consumed by the gospel of Christ.  God used him in an incredible way to spread the gospel and to build the early church.  After his conversion, Paul's life was characterized by a tireless series of trips from one group of people to another.  Acts chapters 18-20 are classified as the end of his second missionary journey and the beginning of his third missionary journey.  There is a lot to learn from Paul's interactions with other people.  Even in our daily "mission trips" to Walmart, we can follow Paul's example.

Speak truth about eternal salvation
We know this was Paul's passion.  He continually shared the Gospel message of salvation to those he encountered.  Throughout all of his missions and life, this was his primary goal and focus.  We are to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."  (I Peter 3:15)

Work to provide for needs
Paul worked to provide for himself and his companions.  He was a tent maker and we know he worked with Aquila and Priscilla while he stayed with them.  Paul also explained to the Ephesian Elders that his motivation for working and providing for others was to help the weak and because Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Choose destinations intentionally
Paul chose his destinations purposefully but he did not shy away from danger.  We don't necessarily know why Paul chose the destination cities that he did.  However, we do know that Paul traveled so he could share the Gospel.  He shared the with Jews and Gentiles.  We also know that Paul was willing to share with anyone, but when he learned that they were obstinate or unbelieving, he moved on.  He chose to spend long periods of time with those who wanted to hear the good news and needed encouragement.  (Sound like discipleship to me.  Mindy touched on this with her post and Paul sets the example for us as he stays in Corinth for a year and a half.)

Travel with others
Paul traveled with others and had helpers (Silas, Timothy, Erastus, and others).  We know that Paul was passionate about who he traveled with from the dispute with Barnabas over John Mark.  His travel companions and helpers must have been an encouragement to Paul.  I suspect they were a close-knit group that worked well together, were also very passionate about Jesus, were faithful to the Gospel, were teachable, and provided some accountability.

Encourage others
Paul consistently encouraged other believers. God knows that the body of believes need each other and need encouragement.  We read many times in these passages where Paul (or others) offer encouragement to believers.  The early church was under TOUGH persecution.  When Paul is about to depart from a group of people, he meets with them to encourage and pray with them.  What a blessing!

Like Paul fulfilled so beautifully (not perfect though because he was human), we are also on a mission and are called to share the gospel and to discipleship.  As you are going on your "mission trip" today... to Walmart, to the office, to visit others, to pick up the kids from school...  be ready!


  1. What a great post, Terry. You reminded us of something we often forget. We do not have to go half way around the world to be on a mission trip. I am reminded of many churches I have been in where over the door leading to outside would be a sign saying; "You are entering the mission field." We may be rejected but we must do as God tells us and be His witness. We may be the only Bible that person ever sees.

  2. Discipleship...this is so VERY key to growing God's Kingdom. Paul set such an amazing example of how to do this and do it well. This is an example we would be VERY wise to follow. Terry-I, like Ms. Boots, appreciate the reminder that we can share Jesus with people we find ourselves around in our realm of influence that God has placed us in. WONDERFUL post as usual Terry!!!

  3. I loved this post terry. What a great reminder that we are all on a mission every day. I also loved the story of Priscilla, Aquilla and Apollos- this is also a great example of discipleship. Hearing Apollos speak, they recognize that what he does know, he shares well- so they take it upon themselves to share more! We all can disciple someone.
