Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Resting in His Promises

Let me just start out by saying that I know this book is difficult to understand and difficult to "swallow". BUT it is also powerful, beautiful, prophetic, and poetic. When our sin comes face to face with God's holiness, things are going to get "ugly" very quickly! God MUST, by His very nature, punish sin and pass judgement on this sinfulness and this is what the Israelites are facing from their enemies and this is what those who choose to reject Jesus are going to have to face. For those of us who HAVE accepted Jesus, we will not have to face God's wrath as those who have not accepted Him. As Jaybrena said in her post yesterday, this should make us want to get BUSY with the job of sharing the Gospel so that as few as possible have to face God's wrath!

Also, keep in mind that we will never understand all of Scripture.  Certain things will remain unclear and somewhat mysterious to us this side of heaven.  God in His wisdom has chosen which of these things in His Scripture this will be.  Having said that, we are going to be shifting gears for a few chapters from the format in most of the book of Isaiah.  Chapters 36 through 39 recount a part of the reign of king Hezekiah that we have already studied in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles.  Remember that Isaiah was the prophet during Hezekiah's reign so it would make sense that he would include a "review" of these events here. 

One of the things I cherish the most from all of the things Hezekiah did is found in chapter 37, verse 14.  He took the letters that the horrible king of Assyria wrote to Hezekiah and to all of Israel and literally laid them out before the Lord and then prayed about what to do about them and how to respond.  Perhaps if we "laid out" things before the Lord and prayed about them before we acted upon them, we might save ourselves A LOT of heartache, suffering, and trouble.  I have a very good friend that is a single mom of three children and makes enough money to be at the poverty level.  With God's help, she somehow is able to make it each month.  When she does not know how she can possible pay for a bill, she will take that bill and lay it out before the Lord and plead for His help and guidance on how to pay for it.  He is ALWAYS faithful to help her and guide her.  What an example to follow!  What do YOU need to lay out before the Lord and pray about?

And then we come to some of my FAVORITE verses not only in the book of Isaiah, but in ALL of Scripture!  How many of you hold onto Chapter 40 verse 31

I think the reason that this verse is so VERY special to me is because of the fact that I struggle EVERYDAY with fatigue, weariness, and exhaustion due to the fact that I am an insulin-dependent diabetic and have been for 23 years as of this month.  It has taken its toll on my body in a big way!  There are days when the ONLY way I can make it through the day is because God renews my strength and He is faithful to do so EVERY TIME I ask Him!  I know that someday I will have a new body that will not be riddled with this disease, but until then, I hold FAST to this promise!!!!  What about you?  For what areas of your life do you need for Him to renew your strength so that you can soar like an eagle?  ASK HIM FOR IT!!!

A very similar promise that I hold onto VERY tightly is found in Chapter 41 verse 10.

This verse tells us to NOT fear and why???  Because GOD IS WITH US!!!  Here He promises again to strengthen us and to help us.  AND He promises to hold onto us!  And believe me when He holds onto you, NOTHING can snatch you out of His hand!  Please check out John 10:28, where Jesus Himself reassures us of this very promise.  Grab onto it and never let it go!  Do you need for God to relieve your fears?  Do you need His help?  Do you need for Him to hold onto you?  Then claim this promise for your very own!!!

So...feeling loved, cherished and cared for right about now?  YOU SHOULD!!!  Thanks to the book of Isaiah!!!


  1. Ah Mindy. I needed your post today! This week/month has been so hectic for both Aaron and myself. We have so much going on already. Last night we came home to find our neighbors massive tree across our front driveway, on top of my car. Everyone was fine. There is no lasting damage, it will all be made right. But the pure frustration of the process to get it there, on top of already busy busy schedules is enough to make me almost want to cry. To top it off, because it happened on a Friday night, there is pretty much nothing we can do about any of it until Monday. Which is DOUBLY frustrating. So, all my whining to say, I have a few things I need to lay out before the Lord today. Thank you for the reminder that He fights and advocates for us! I need a "friend in high places" today!

  2. Oh Natalie!!!! I am so sorry you have to deal with that!!! Yes, you DEFINITELY need the strength of the Lord right now! Sometimes you just do not feel like you can handle one more thing. May you rest in His promises!!

  3. I can tell you there has been many times in my life that I had to "lay it out before the Lord" when things was tough. I think the one I like to tell the most some of you know already. It was before my second trip to Belize. I knew I did not have the money to go so I prayed, "God if you want me to go, you will have to supply the way." After that I won over $5,000. on a radio station. God is good.

  4. Mindy, you did a great job with the post today. Lots of verses and lots to retain and think about. I love the "renew your strength" verse and need it so often. Natalie - I'm sorry about your mess with your car - can't that be ever so frustrating - you know it will be "fixed" right but you still have to go through it.

    I remembered the story of Hezekiah laying the letter before the Lord and loved it then and today as a reminder to do the same. He's just waiting for us to come to Him with our every detail!

  5. I made a mistake it was over $4,000 not 5 but it was more than enough for me and also to help others to go.

  6. Mindy, thank you for the encouraging post and verses. Isaiah 40:31 is a verse which I have displayed on a plaque (I think you actually gave it to me at Christmas this past year) on my night stand. That verse is comforting in times when I cannot do it on my own. God holds me in His hands and says "it will be okay, my child." Praise the Lord that God is bigger and stronger than all of us.

  7. Another beautiful post Mindy! Thank you for your encouraging words. The verses you pointed out are so uplifting. I needed to read this tonight. Thank you Lord!

  8. Boots, that's really COOL! :) And, Mindy....I love your "laid it out" portion. It really applies to me today!

  9. There are some wonderful promises and comforting words in chapters 40 and 41, aren't there!?!?! Thanks Mindy for a wonderful post with some very thought-provoking points and questions! You're such an encouragement to me to keep going :)
