Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

I Brought You In This World...

At this point in the story, we have read exactly 9 places where Job answered the counsel of his "friends" and didn't speak a negative word about God. The chapters we read today begin with Job remembering "the good ole days" when everything was going well .....here we also have his closing statements, where he actually asks God to explain "the cause of his great distress". Note that he didn't ask to be rescued from it, but just to know why he was enduring it. I often think this way myself. If I just knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel, if I just knew why it had to happen this way, if I just knew that some great thing would be accomplished for my suffering, then I could handle it better! Right? Well, maybe. But, hasn't God already promised to complete a good work in me? Hasn't He already told me that He will work all things to my good because I revere Him? How He chooses to accomplish this work is up to Him.

He was chosen. The thing that intrigues me about the story of Job is that he didn't choose to be the living example for all of us to see the unconditional love he had for His God, he was chosen. Remember that? To be chosen is a glorious thing! Job knew he had no unconfessed sin, but he attempted to cover all the bases just in case when he went through that long list of IF I HAVE done this, or that.... I imagine that Job questioned God's reasoning for allowing this pain, without questioning His authority to allow it. God shows great patience and love that He didn't just smote Job for asking! I have these days as a parent. When that child's mouth crosses the line, it's all I can do not to go ballistic on them, reminding them of the 9 months of sacrificial giving of my cute figure and my own physical comfort to grow them to a healthy weight!.... and OH! the hours of labor! ...oh and the sleepless nights! ...and don't forget the sicknesses! blah, blah, blah.....ending with the famous Bill Cosby line, "I brought you IN this world, I'll take you OUT!!!!" Let's ask a question: Which bears more fruit for eternity when your child is out of line...... Grounding him until the age of 21? OR Discussing his behavior and how he can learn from it? God chose to enter a dialogue with Job that amazes me every time I read it. But we'll get to that soon....

One thing I hope our children know, is that we've got their back, that we love them unconditionally, and that we have a plan for their good. I hope they know that we don't lay awake at night thinking of creative ways to make their lives miserable! (Oh they may THINK that we've decided not to love them sometimes....anybody ever been asked by the nurse to hold a child's arms while the shots are given??? I'm sure the child thinks we've turned on him and forsaken him forever!!) Job seemed to know this about his Heavenly Father. Job seemed to understand that God had a purpose. He definitely believed that God was sovereign because he never asked his wife for answers, or his friends, or his neighbors, but he only asked His God. I want to live the kind of life that reflects what I really believe about God. I want to love Him even in the bad times. I want to have patience with well-meaning friends who may give bad counsel. I want to have faith that remains constant when life seems to be falling apart. I'm so thankful for Job's example. I love that he reminded me that I willingly take the good from God, and that I should accept the bad, too. I wonder if I can ask him about all this when I meet him one day? But, you know what?? Something tells me it just won't matter anymore.......


  1. Jaybrena, another insightful post. Thank you. I loved your question - "if I just knew why." I've asked that time and time again over the years and eventually, maybe, the answer is clear. But then, like you state, maybe we will never know the "why" and I'm OK with that. God has bigger plans than I do.

    Job was "chosen." How beautiful was that. I've seen people that were "chosen" and often wondered if they knew it - some great sorrow they had to bear or some burden they lived with or some great honor bestowed on them. We have to realize, I think, that all of this is in God's plans for our lives - and that plan is perfect for us - even if we don't understand it this side of heaven.

  2. I think the same way about wanting to just know why I am going through something. It seems it would be more tolerable if I knew why. I can remember a time, a season, of my life that was so stressful and it seemed all was in vain. I even dared to think that I shouldn't be suffering because I was the "more righteous" one. Not until now, years later do I see the reasons. But during that time I had to learn to just trust God had a reason and it wasn't for me to worry about why He chose to work that way.

  3. So true, Barbara! I'm so glad that God loves me and doesn't just throw his hands in the air when I don't "get it".....I found a link to that quote from Bill Cosby :) I laugh every time I watch it!!! Yall should click the quote link, and watch 2 mins of it, LAUGH WITH ME!!! Hahahhaaaaa :D

  4. Oh, Amy.......sooooo, true. Been there, likely will be again. By His grace, I will stand.

  5. Jaybrena - I can remember watching the Cosby Show with my parents growing up and hearing Bill Cosby say that famous line. I can also remember my parents laughing and laughing and me thinking, "Why is that so funny?" NOW I KNOW!!! :) I get SO frustrated with myself when I am in the middle of a trial or suffering and I question why and doubt God and then I come through it and I see clearly the reason for it sooner or later. Then the next time a trial or suffering comes I don't say, "Okay...God is faithful and He will see me through this and it will work for His purposes." Nope...I go right back to the frustration, the anger, and the questioning. Oh me of little faith...when will I ever learn? Great post Jaybrena as always!!
