Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Asking God Questions, Without Questioning God

Which is true? God is all-powerful but doesn't care about us, or God cares about us but isn't all-powerful? This is the question the world asks of Christians when horrific things happen like natural disasters, scandals or diseases. Why do good guys finish last? Why do the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper? Is it true that only the good die young? Why DO bad things happen to good people? Why do GOOD things happen to BAD people?

I have often wondered what I would think of the story of Job, if not for the benefit of chapters 1 and 2. You and I have agreed time and again while reading through the OT, that we don't quite "get it"....it just seems like we don't have the whole story or something? It's during those times, when we can't understand, we can't see the plan, and we can't trace His hand, we must choose to trust His heart. This was Job's circumstance. By the way, I believe that every detail we need is in His word....nothing more, nothing less. As hard as it is to imagine how God could allow these awful things to happen to a good man, at least we know a little bit of the "why".....Job didn't. And that's why he amazes me.

Which shows greater faith? When you have nothing to eat, you pray, and miraculously food is provided.....OR when you have nothing to eat, you pray, and no food is provided, but you still trust God (like Job)? The glimpses into the life of Dr. Samuel Thomas was life-changing for me! He has been through some tough times, ladies!!! What about his father was starting a work for the Lord and God wouldn't give him a few cents to ride rather than walk for 53 days??? Which shows greater faith? Putting one foot in front of the other for 500 miles, or hopping a train with the spare change in your pocket? The story of Job is not for the faint of heart! How easily my heart can become discouraged and I can begin to entertain thoughts that God doesn't love me as much as I think He does! How many times have you heard a well-meaning woman say, "Well, honey, just follow your heart and it'll never steer you wrong." ??? (please insert shocked facial expression here) What is THAT?!?!?! My Bible says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, and no one can understand it! Listen, for a girl whose love language is "acts of service" I want God to show me love by DOING stuff for me! (Joke...laugh.) Solomon said I have to guard my heart with diligence, for out of it flows the well-spring of life. I've got to work hard not to let my heart convince my mind of untruth. I must fill my heart and mind with Truth daily, so that I can stay the course. (And, boy can I tell the days I don't.) You know what? Maybe God knows what takes more faith, and maybe it's different for each of us.

When are you more like Jesus? When your husband and children are doing everything you ask them to do, there's plenty of money in the bank, the extended family lives in harmony, your boss thinks you walk on water, your church is seeing kingdom growth, life is going well and everyone is smiling.....OR when you are having to hit your knees every night for that wayward child, choosing to serve that ungrateful husband, deciding if we can go one more day without milk this week, choosing to be kind to that unfair boss, biting your tongue when that family member visits, praying your church can overcome moral failure, when life stinks and no one is smiling??? When are you more like Him? When do you lean on Him more?

I feel like today I've asked more questions than I've answered. Can I say that I'm not sure of any of these answers??? I'm glad I don't know everything, and the book of Job certainly reminds us of that. Usually I attempt to explain a few verses as they are revealed to me, personally. I just shared what was on my mind today, after reading the story of Job again. Maybe you can forgive my ponderings and my candidness, as I remind myself to place all of this at the foot of the cross? I can rest tonight knowing that my Savior lived to die for me, that He is alive now interceding for me in my time of need, and that He is coming again, oh glorious day!


  1. Jaybrena, I also have a ton of thoughts rolling around in my head and so many of them echo yours. If we haven't wrestled with these questions yet we either haven't lived long enough or are sticking our head in the sand. The thing that struck me today was that Job thought he was dying, and he wished for it. His only hope at this point lay beyond his life- and how would he get a hope beyond this life?? God and God alone. The thing about trials is that, if we let them, they serve as a reminder that this world is not our home. Even if you are lucky enough to keep all that you hold dear until your dying breath, what happens after that? As the old saying goes, "You can't take it with you." We get the picture of God and Satan at the beginning of the book. So many people wonder how God could let that happen, the great WHY? I think maybe the point we're supposed to get from that conversation is that what happens on earth sometimes has more to with eternal things than we realize. That doesn't remove the hurt- but should help us realize where our true hope should lie. The thought I have is, how could you deal with some of the thing life throws at you without the hope of God?

  2. Jaybrena-

    You absolutely amaze me with your creative words and posts. I have had more questions than answers this week, too. I needed to read this blog today. Without going into detail, my mom needs prayer as she is going through some tough health issues (mentally and physically). As I prayed to God a couple of days ago I did ask "why do these things happen to spiritually sound Godly people?" "Why do they struggle in such great depth?" One of the answers which comes to mind is God wants us to draw closer to Him in times of trouble. I have members in my own family this week pray some of the sweetest and heart-felt prayers. To God be the glory! Your last statement of "...that He is alive now interceding for me in my time of need," brings hope and peace to me. Jaybrena, your words are always heart-felt.

  3. Right back at ya, Angela! And, Natalie....sounds like we've been living on the same planet or something. :) I'm so glad to hear these words of encouragement from friends this morning, we need each other!!!!

  4. Ladies - I just want to say how much I love each one of you and your insights into the verses we are reading each day. You have so broaded my thinking and "pondering" each day on our chapters and I love it.

    Jaybrena, you have such a wonderful and honest heart - just like your beautiful smile. No, we don't have all the answers and never will, but our God is big enough that we can ask! And I do.

    Can you believe we are in the book of Job! It's hard to imagine now how this journey has unfolded with so many wonderful posts and thoughts and I am so blessed to be part of it.

  5. I think the reason God allowed all these things to happen to Job was to show the devil that Job would remain true no matter what. My sister sings a song that says if we didn't have trials along the way that we may even forget to pray. You appreciate the good times so much more when you have went through the bad times. I hope we all remember to count our blessings and thank God for them.

  6. All I can say ladies is...WOW! You ALL really amaze me more than I could ever express to you!!! There is not really anything I feel that I can add other than to let you know that I agree completely and wholeheartedly with ALL that each and every one of you has sad so far about this amazing book. Jaybrena - you continue to amaze me with your candid posts and the insights that come with them! I second what Mrs. Barbara said in her comments. Thanks to you all for the INCREDIBLE blessing of this blog!!!
