Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ears to Hear

We all have different learning styles, ways that we learn most efficiently.  There are many different models defining the various styles, but I know that I learn best by seeing and in most cases by doing myself.  We know that Jesus was a teacher.  He used different methods for teaching and challenging those he came into contact with.  Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus adapted his "lessons" to his audience.

  • He spoke directly and posed very challenging questions to the Pharisees and Sadducees
  • To the general masses of people, he spoke in parables
  • When he was with his disciples, "he explained everything"  (Mark 4:34)
  • He "spoke" through the physical evidence of miracles

My NIV study notes state that "Jesus used parables to illustrate truths, stimulate thinking and awaken spiritual perception."  Jesus met people were they were, but he wanted them to REALLY start thinking about spiritual things.  We are all in different places in our spiritual lives.  We have all had different life experiences.  Regardless of where we are or where we have come from, Jesus wants us to hear him.  He wants us to hear his Word and believe in Him.

"Then Jesus said, 'He who has ears let him hear.'"
~Mark 4:9

In chapter 4 of Mark, Jesus teaches the crowd using parables.  We have all heard or read these parables before.  They are some wonderful nuggets of truth:
  • Jesus compares our hearts to the various types of ground or soil that a seed can fall on.  At times, our hearts are not prepared for truth to be deeply planted.  The most fruitful lives are those whose hearts are ready and willing to accept God's Word and respond in obedience.  I want a fertile heart, don't you?
  • Jesus tells us that God's truth is meant to be revealed as a lamp on a stand... high and bright.  We are to "carefully consider what we hear." (v. 4:24) and respond by applying it to our lives.
  • Like a growing seed, there is miraculous life in Jesus.  Even though we may not now how or why, it is a fact.
  • Jesus describes the kingdom of God like a mustard seed.  It starts very small and grows exponentially.  Some may see God and His plan as insignificant, but one day His true glory will be seen by all.
In the last part of chapter 4 and all of chapter 5, we become second-hand witnesses to some of the miracles that Jesus performed.  Wouldn't you like to have been there to have seen first-hand glimpses?
  • Jesus calmed the storm and used his power to teach the disciples who He is.  He taught them to have faith and not be afraid.  Many of us can relate to this and even the disciples had to learn this lesson over and over.
  • Jesus healed a demon possessed man and instructed him to go tell his family how merciful he (Jesus) was to him.  We are to tell others of God's mercy and working in our lives.
  • Jesus healed the woman with a bleeding disorder.  We can learn so much from the faith of this women.  She just wanted to touch his robe.  She did and she was healed by her faith.
  • Jesus raised a little girl from the dead in an intimate setting with her parents and three disciples.  He also cared deeply for the continued physical well-being of this girl which was evident by him telling them to feed her.
Jesus continues to teach us us in different ways so that we may believe.  That's the ultimate goal and can only be met by the Holy Spirit opening our spiritual ears and eyes to reveal more of God to us.  We can learn through a variety of tools - self study, different Bible study teachers, pastors, music, and discussions with other Christians (like this blog).  Looking outward, I'm also reminded that others learn in different ways too.  Those that we are witnessing to may able to "hear" better by seeing how we live our lives, hearing our testimonies, by hearing God's words from the Bible, or through a combination of all of these.  God  made each of us uniquely and He speaks and ministers to use uniquely as well.  For that, I am thankful!

Lord, thank you for your word and for teaching us to believe.  Open our ears to hear you more and help us to be obedient to you.  Lord, let us hear and draw our hearts closer and closer to you!


  1. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the different "learning styles" represented here on the blog. While we may each just be reading every day, the way each of you tells what God spoke to your hearts always teaches me something new.
    I loved that Jesus searched for the woman who reached out an touched his robe. He wants a personal relationship with everyone he heals.
    I also loved that He sent the demon possessed man back to his family. When we experience Jesus working in our lives often the last people we remember to tell are those closest to us. Great lesson. Jesus heals us sometimes to use us right where we are.
    Terry- great post!

  2. That was a great post, Terry. I agree we all learn in different ways. Mine is usually by doing something myself. In reading, I have found that I have learned more and gained new insight to the Chapters in the Bible by reading everyone's post. I think everybody is doing a great job and it certainly has helped me. Thanks to you all for helping me to understand better and become stronger in His word.

  3. Terry thank you for a beautiful post today. We all do learn in different ways as you stated. Sometimes I just have to "watch" someone else do something first - especially if it involves sewing or crafts - before I can pick it up. Others watching our lives and hearing what we say as you pointed out is one way people can come to know our Lord. Natalie and Boots, you are right - I have learned so much from reading this blog and seeing the different insights the Holy Spirit has given each of you. Thank you.

  4. I just love that Jesus created each one of us so He knows EXACTLY how He needs to teach us. He is just SOOOO smart! I know that sounds weird, but have you ever REALLY thought about that fact? I just LOVE the miracle of Jesus healing the woman with the bleeding problem. The fact that He could feel power going out from Him because someone barely touched His robe? WOW...AWESOME!!! Let me use my ears to hear and close my mouth. WONDERFUL post Terry!!!
