Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Ezekiel: Watchman. I have already learned so much from this priest/prophet! His message to the people changed, as the time on heaven's eternal clock changed. What began with judgment and doom turned into hope and salvation. Something interesting I thought about when reading about this generation of Israel....Though the people feel the consequences of their forefathers' sin, they are not forsaken! They can choose life! And another thing, how much more should we be watchmen even now?? Shouldn't we share the gospel with everyone we come in contact with? Does it mean that they will listen? Not always. But, our instruction doesn't change: Share the truth with those around you, eternity awaits.

So, God's glory departs the temple. Look at the amazing detail Ezekiel gives on what this looks like! It's so neat to me how God gives such detail on some things in His word, and yet some things are not revealed. Still, even with all these descriptions it's so hard to imagine what the presence of God really looked like to Ezekiel in this experience. I wondered what others thought it looked like, and took the liberty of sharing a few pictures.... Does it look like this? ...or this?? ...or this??? It's impossible to describe with our limited abilities and capabilities, I imagine Ezekiel knew this better than anyone.

Cherubim are angels. Got it. But, I've been told all my life that cherubs are cute little chubby looking babies with wings. You, too? Check out chapter 10! These cherubim are described as having wings and hands that can handle fire, being full of eyes all over their bodies and even on the "wheels" that they ride on??? ....I thought they flew? Maybe they flutter?? They have four faces looking in different directions. Each face was different, one was the face of a cherub, one of a man, one an eagle, and one a lion! How's THAT for a lapel pin on your Sunday suit, or a cute painting on the wall?? I remember studying Revelation with Beth Moore last year. It is fairly agreed among scholars that the four beasts role was to bear up the movable throne of God. If God goes somewhere, His throne goes with Him!!! When He went to the mountain top, the throne went with Him! He is always on the throne, what comfort there is in that thought!

Ezekiel is a strong warning to all of us, that God will not "forever wink" at our sin. Oh, He is merciful and longsuffering, but He hates evil. It cannot exist in His presence, and He will not allow His people to continue in their sin. He wants a relationship with us. Do not mistake his patience for forgetfulness, sister.

"I" love you.


  1. Do not take his patience for forgetfulness...amen. There comes a time when God WILL withdraw his presence, just like he did in Jerusalem. Lord, keep reminding me to seek you.

  2. I, like you, always thought of cherubs as being cute little angels. I collect angels and they are all over my house but I am so sure that none of them are the way they really are. It is just like the pictures we see of Jesus. We recognize him in the pictures because someone drew him that way and others followed suit. I am sure that He looks nothing like what we pictured; but I am also sure, when we see Him, we shall know Him.

  3. Great post, Jaybrena, on some hard things to "picture" verses in today's readings. I too think of angels as being "cute chubby beings" and I'm sure they are nothing like that! It is hard to picture what visions Ezekiel saw - but don't you know it was overwhelming and glorious! My, what we have to look forward to!!!

  4. Ezekiel is such a "wild" book and I LOVE it!!! It is so full of mystery, intrigue, power, and amazing imagery. GREAT point when you said "Do not mistake patience for forgetfullness." So VERY true and there WILL come a point in time when there will be NO MORE chances! We need to be busy spreading the Word!

  5. I wonder if the "man dressed in linen" who was to mark those who grieved and lamented over the sin of Israel was Jesus. I think it's a wonderful symbol of how His blood covers us and how those with a "mark" were not to be touched.

    I agree, Mindy, this is a wild book :)

    Jaybrena, thanks for the reminders that we are not forsaken, but we don't have a free ticket to sin either.
