Welcome to a group of women who's goal is to encourage each other to put down some serious roots in the Word of God. This blog is dedicated to reading through the Bible in a year. Hopefully you will find the encouragement and accountability here that you need to push through the tough parts- or when life just gets in the way. The reading plan is located at the bottom of the blog. It contains links to the passages we are reading through biblegateway.com. You can use those links or read your own Bible, whichever you prefer.
We are all members of Oak Hill Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia and felt the need in our own life for a little bit of the Lord's splendor. Please join us!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Jeremiah's Message

I had a cat named Jeremiah. Actually, I think we had three cats with that name. Maybe I should ask my Mom why that name was chosen?? Anyway, all of the pictures testify that each of these cats were black and white in coloring. (That little piece of trivia may or may not fit your idea of the prophet Jeremiah, but hold that thought.) The Lord has been teaching me so much about His patience, as we read through the Bible this year. Repeatedly, He warns Israel of the consequence of going her own way. Repeatedly, I see myself in this story.

Jeremiah was given an unpopular message. He was alive during the last days of Israel as a nation. The ten northern tribes had been given into the hands of the Assyrians, and the remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin were about to be turned over to the pagan Babylon, which was ruled by Nebuchadnezzar, whom, interestingly enough, God called "My servant." Jeremiah warned Israel of doom and vengeance, and for it was hated. He prophesied a 70yr captivity to Babylon. It's so interesting to study about this in Daniel and how it all lines up! He had been given a word that "burned in his bones" but brought great pain to tell. He was the "weeping prophet." He mourned for his people. He was forbidden to marry or have children (ch 16), and he was likely alone in the world.....and what an awful world it had become!

Jeremiah was given a long, but short message. This prophet proclaimed the word of the Lord for 40 years! Have you ever wondered how many times you have to repeat yourself to those precious children you are training?? (Please Lord, tell me they'll hear me before they are 40!) I wonder if Jeremiah believed this was useless after preaching for that long? He never saw any heart-changes in the people he lived among. They were so stubborn and blinded by sin, they didn't even care about this God anymore. Did Jeremiah feel that he had been pleading with this stiff-necked people for far too long? I mean, it had been 40 yrs! It was a long message.....or was it? The message was actually short and simple. "Come back to Me, and I will restore to you the joy of your salvation."

Jeremiah was given a hopeful message. Jeremiah's message was actually like my cats....black and white. It had to have been very clear after 40yrs what the prophet was saying. Yet, the people chose their bondage over the word of the Lord. I wonder what your captivity looks like today? Does it look like mine?? Is it financial bondage, that you keep returning to? Is it a physical sin that seems impossible to break? Is it an unrest in your spirit over something beyond your control? I wonder if we often respond to the truth in the way those Israelites did? Do you plug your ears when you are convicted of needed a change in your life? I know I've done it. The Bible teaches that there will come a time when the people will not hear the truth. This is scary to me. I don't want to be a captive, or be in any bondage. Let's give it to Him. Let's embrace the hope He offers. "Hear the word of the Lord, and return to Him." Let's walk His paths, let Him teach us His ways. And, one more thing...........let's bring another sister along with us.


  1. Truth is certainly black and white, I agree! And, I enjoyed these passages today because we read that there is hope after the punishment. Again, God's anger isn't just to hurt us, it's to heal us and restore us. He doesn't want us to be captive, just like you said! When I took Aaron's study on Daniel, I learned that the exiles to Babylon (daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago were included in this) actually took the writings of Jeremiah with them. Jeremiah was clear- the exile would be 70 years and then God would bring them back and destroy Babylon. It's exactly what He did.

  2. The encouraging part is God is faithful to this: "Come back to Me, and I will restore to you the joy of your salvation." So often I am tempted to think He is done with me. But He is NOT! I see myself in the reading also, but I do not want to be so foolish.

  3. Jaybrena, I so love your truth and honesty in each post that you write! Truth like you say is "black and white" - there's no need to think it is gray - it is either right or wrong and so many times, I have tried to "color mine in" when there is something I choose to do "on the edge." Thanks for a great reminder that God's message is clear. Right or Wrong - only two choices!! Black or White!!

  4. Jaybrena - I too appreciate the honesty that is in all of your posts! The part when you ask if there are things we are in bondage go really spoke to me. A sin that has had me in bondage for years, that I have repented from and turned from, and the consequences are coming to full fruition this next week. I have a meeting on Wednesday morning that I need you ladies to be praying about please. If only I had listened to the Lord's warnings...I would not be in this "exile" I am in!!!!

  5. Thanks, Mindy!! And, what an encouragement you are to me. I promise to pray for you, my friend! <3 May the Lord use for good, what your enemy intended for evil!

  6. Mindy, I will be praying for you now and through Wednesday. God will see you through. What a blessing this has been to us all and to see that we are not alone. We are not the only one who try to color our wrongs. There are times that I say to myself am I the only one who does this, what is wrong with me? We are there for each other and that makes us stronger. Thanks to you all.
